XPL Principles Analysis

Extreme Personal Leadership® (XPL)

XCEO designed the XPL Principles Analysis in order to accurately assess your aptitude in relation to the 11 principles presented in Dr. Curtis J. Crawford's book, Corporate Rise: The X Principles of Extreme Personal Leadership. Following the principles contained in this book will help you refine your personal skills, behaviors, and attitudes necessary to accelerate your progress towards higher levels of leadership, responsibility, and reward.

The purpose of this analysis, is to provide an understanding of your “leadership effectiveness” in light of these principles. In addition, you will assess your perception of the level of “stakeholder support” you have, regarding your personal aspirations. When completed, the analysis will provide an output summary, and more importantly, it will suggest ways to immediately improve your effectiveness, by offering development recommendations.

Below are three types of XPL analyses, so please select the analysis that you would like to take. You will receive an email with your login information and instructions for taking the analysis. After completing the analysis, you will receive another email with your analysis report attached in PDF format. 

Once you have completed the analysis, all of your personal information will be completely removed. If desired, you may elect to take any additional XPL analyses at your convenience. However, you will be required to create a new account each time you choose to participate.

The results of your assessment will only be made available to you. You will receive only one copy of your results.

XCEO does not have access to your results. 

In addition to completing this " Free" Leadership Readiness Assessment, we would be pleased to send you additional information.

Please visit our "Contact Us" page to request a "free trial" and more detailed information regarding XCEO, Inc.'s LINXSUS® PRO EXECUTIVE SUCCESSION-TALENT MANAGEMENT PLATFORM, or contact us at 408-855-0000.

Please complete the form below to begin your "FREE" Assessment

XPL Principles & Stakeholder Analysis Tools for Professionals/Executives

XPL Principles & Stakeholder Analysis Tools for Current Serving Directors

XPL Principles & Stakeholder Analysis Tools for Aspiring Directors